Monday, March 23, 2009


Tomato - the description of vegetable, its kinds, conjugation. The components and the nutritious values of vitamin, the minerals and calories.

Tomato Tomato comes similarly like potato, from South America and it is with him closely related. In XVI age he reached to south Europe first, but he in present times with even success be bred in cooler zones also. However their tillage the best is successful in warm seasons and sunny with moderated quantity of falls.

With point of sight of botany the tomato is the fruit practically. We distribute tomatoes' change on karłowe early as well as high - early, average early and late.
Raw it checks as snack perfectly, the addition to bread and the salads, however the cooked tomato this the faultless basis of soups and the eintopfów.

It it one should was was not very mature, yet lightly hard, but not damaged arts. If we are going him to boillet's - choose large arts. If we want to consume freshlet'slet's - remember, that we should not him keep longer than 4 days in refrigerator.
Green tomatoes ripen in peaceful temperature well

What is and it in what quantities in tomato?
Tomato's nutritious values.

The most important alimentary components (/ 100 tomatoes' gram):
Calories (Kcal): 29. Joules (KJ): 121. Carbohydrates (g): 5,2.

Vitamin (/ 100 tomatoes' gram):
A1: 1265 j.m. B1: 0,064 mg. B2: 0,042 mg. C: 29,0 mg. E: 0,40 mg.

Minerals (mg / 100 tomatoes' gram):
Calcium 25. Phosphorus: 21. Iron: 1,4. Magnesium: 8.

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