| . Pore - the description of vegetable, its kinds, conjugation. The components and the nutritious values of vitamin, the minerals and calories. Vegetable good settled in Europe, was one should to family liliowatych and it is onion's close cousin, however about considerably delicate taste Pore thanks change winter accessible it is by whole year and it is suitable on fresh salads perfectly and salad. It is soup-greens' also indispensable component used to soups. Pore usually be consumed in boiled figure, use finds in all almost vegetable dishes. However before consuming or to check with preparing him to one should or among individual stem has not gathered dust. It was one should buy looking pores freshly, external cotyledon should be zwiędnięte. Wrapped up in paper it can lie in refrigerator about five days, it yet was one should remember about previous removal of darkened leaves. What is and it in what quantities in pore? Pore's nutritious values. The most important alimentary components (/ 100 gram poru): Calories (Kcal): 47. Joules (KJ): 197. Carbohydrates (g): 9,9. Vitamin (/ 100 gram poru): A1: - j.m. B1: 0,112 mg. B2: 0,067 mg. C: 20,2 mg. E: 2,0 mg. Minerals (mg / 100 gram poru): Calcium 48. Phosphorus: 52. Iron: 1,1. Magnesium: 11.
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