Pea - the description of vegetable, its kinds, conjugation. The components and the nutritious values of vitamin, the minerals and calories.
The most often accessible pea is in shops in tinned foods or frozen. It on markets was can him time find in different stages maturation: as green sugar green peas, which it oneself together from strings or as mature pea from which only grains be consumed.
Pea's kind Palerbsen - commands exclusively young, because fruktoza later changes in starch, different change: Markerbsen tastes słodkawo even completely mature.
Let's buying avoid the pea the obeschniętych of strings. And when we buy him to preparing some dish,let's remember that after removal wastes his mass will get smaller about half.
What is and it in what quantities in Pea?
Pea's nutritious values.
The most important alimentary components (/ 100 pea's gram):Calories (Kcal): 98. Joules (KJ): 410. Carbohydrates (g): 17.
Vitamin (/ 100 pea's gram):
A1: j.m. B1: mg. B2: mg. C: mg. E: mg.
Minerals (mg / 100 pea's gram):
Calcium 22. Phosphorus: 122. Iron: 1,9. Magnesium: 29.
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