Thursday, March 19, 2009


Onion - the description of vegetable, its kinds, conjugation. The components and the nutritious values of vitamin, the minerals and calories.

Onion Growed she in central Asia already long ago spread after whole world originally. Many onion's changes are resistant on difficult climatical conditions and it takes down frosts perfectly even. Therefore she is sowed with already early spring.

Modern tillages developed the most different forms, colours and size, and also gustatory tints. We see golden-yellow, glittering changes, time with light tint purple it reddens.

Onion can have nut's size, but also and grapefruit. It in taste can pinching and sharp, but also gentle. Ethereal oil contains, which influences on lowering the pressure of blood and strengthener heart.
It it near purchases was one should was pay back on this attention, to onion was hard, healthy and she did not let go the young of speeds.
It was can keep in home conditions several weeks fresh onion, and some changes even by whole winter.

With rule onion is at us treated as sharp spice in the most different aftermaths, but to prepare equally well mighty I and to eat how vegetable.

What is and it in what quantities in onion?
Onion's nutritious values.

The most important alimentary components (/ 100 onion's gram):
Calories (Kcal): 37. Joules (KJ): 155. Carbohydrates (g): 6,9.

Vitamin (/ 100 onion's gram):
A1: 41 j.m. B1: 0,03 mg. B2: 0,03 mg. C: 6,0 mg. E: 0,3 mg.

Minerals (mg / 100 onion's gram):
Calcium 25. Phosphorus: 14. Iron: 5. Magnesium: 8.

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