Thursday, March 19, 2009


Parsnip - the description of vegetable, its kinds, conjugation. The components and the nutritious values of vitamin, the minerals and calories.

Parsnip This very gentle radicular vegetable come from from Eastern Europe. My very characteristic aroma (which cooks soften adding cream). Winter carrot with appearance reminds, however considerably pale.
Roots are edible part parsnip, reminding large parsley anyway very. Roots these come to forty centimetres of length even and twelf centimetres of thickness.

Parsnip was in Poland very popular vegetable formerly. It it in total was can was say, that he became "pushed out" through potatoes which tillage mastered whole Poland.
At us be growed change White Półdługi which has take root about length about 25 centimetres, narrowing gradually towards down. My szarobiałą skin and white flesh. It is then late change, plenna, to keep well.

What do regards speak for this vegetable? His tillage is valuable biologically, tasty, it gives large crop, and in cool place can him keep 2 - 3 weeks, in cellar mound keeps in good several months will stand up.

It so as near purchases different vegetables, so and near parsnip was one should turn attentive attention they would not purchase damaged art. Looking arts should us particularly interest freshly.


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